Asru begot Sru who begot Heber Scot - that is likely A-wa-sha-ra'al begot A'enshera who begot E-ber-awar-ge-ha father of Ak-Heber-ra - ,and his later descendant was Briga,great-grandfather of Mil of Ireland,whose grandson Orba was king of Scotia allegedly about 1680 b.c..
Later many of the "celtic" tribes of Alba settled in Pannonia and founded among others the town of Brigaition somewhere between Győr and Komárom - obviously for Briga's sons, the brigánti tribe.
This shows that strictly considered hebraios nation is of rasheena ,algwank origin and constitutes through shamarians part of today's jewery as well.
Jews and Christians call them Israel,Asher,Beriyah and Kheber.
Ak-Heber-ra had three sons : Awa-Pa-la-ta , Ak-Hayed-te-Ma or Hella-Ma,and Sha-ya-Mara , forefathers of palaung,mon and shamre tribes.
"Yaflet,Khotam or Halam and Shomer."
Balázs Déri