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Offenbach Genealogy and Offenbach Family History Information

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  • Rabbi Isaac Juda Offenbach (1779 - 1850)
    Jaques Offenbach's father, born Isaac Eberst in Offenbach am Main around 1780. He took the name Offenbach due to the Napoleonic edict of 1807 after marrying and taking a job as a cantor in Cologne, Ger...
  • Isabella Maas (1817 - 1891)
    Isabella Offenbach Maas, opera singer, was born in Cologne, Germany, on March 11, 1817, the daughter of cantor Isaac Judah and Marianne Offenbach. Isabella was the older sister of composer Jacques Offe...
  • Jacques Offenbach (1819 - 1880)
    La Belle Helene - La Vita è Bella - Barcarolle , * Orpheus in the Underworld Overture , * "Orphée aux Enfers" Galop Infernal (Can can) , * "La belle Hélène" Overture . Jacques Offenbach (20 June 1819 –...
  • Pierre Comte-Offenbach (1910 - 1990)
    Individual Note=== Reference: Geneanet Genealogy - SmartCopy : Dec 20 2020, 9:57:40 UTC
  • Valtesse de la Bigne (1848 - 1910)
    Émilie-Louise Delabigne , known as countess Valtesse de La Bigne (1848, Paris – 29 July 1910,[1] Ville-d'Avray) was a French courtesan and demi-mondaine. Life 'Youth and entry into prostitution Daughte...

About the Offenbach surname

Offenbach family in San Francisco, Calif.