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  • Agathe de Normandie, Princess of England (c.1064 - 1074)
    Agatha de Normandie d/o William the Conqueror and Mathilda de Flanders From medlands: - 8. AGATHE de Normandie (-before 1074, bur Bayeux Cathedral). Orderic Vitalis names “Agatham et Constantiam,...
  • Inés de Aquitania (c.1052 - c.1078)
    NOTE: She was one of TWO daughters of Guillaume VIII d'Aquitaine named Agnès (each by a different mother). Dates: c1059-Mother: Mathilde ???. Aka Inés. Married (1) Alfonso VI King of Castile & Leon and...
  • Alfonso VI the Brave, King of Castile and León (1047 - 1109)
    ALFONSO VI King of Castile & León (Compostela c1038/40-Toledo 30 Jun 1109, bur Sahagún, León, San Mancio chapel in the royal monastery of Santos Facundo y Primitivo) s/o FERNANDO I "el Magno" King of ...
  • Berta (b. - 1100)
    solution 1(in-depth studies published citing primary sources) & 3(deduction from primary source?) match now; Indeed not among well sourced Amedeo 's known daughters /!\ Según Pelayo, obisp...

About the of León and Castile surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the of León and Castile surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the of León and Castile surname.

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