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  • Konge av Danmark, Frederick VII Carl Christian of Denmark, Oldenburg, King of Denmark (1808 - 1863)
    Frederik Carl Christian Oldenburg, Prince(Prins) af Danmark.*King(Konge) af Danmark on 20 January 1848 - 15. november 1863*Frederik died without legal issues, and with him the house of Oldenburg on the...
  • Louise Rasmussen, Grevinde Danner (1815 - 1874)
    Luise Christine Danneraus Wikipedia, der freien EnzyklopädieWechseln zu: Navigation, SucheLouise Rasmussen.jpgLuise Christine Danner (* 21. April 1815 in Kopenhagen; † 6. März 1874 in Genua) war dänisc...
  • Duchess Caroline of Mecklenburg (1821 - 1876)
    Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Johann the Younger # 1190 * Wikipedia: English German
  • Else Marie Guldberg Poulsen (1821 - 1868)
    Kongelige breve blev gemt i flygel Frederik VII var gift to gange som kronprins. Først med prinsesse Vilhelmine Marie, siden med prinsesse Mariane af Mecklenburg-Strelitz.Efter de to mislykkede ægteska...
  • Wilhelmine Marie Oldenburg (1808 - 1891)
    Wilhelmine Marie Oldenburg, Princess of Denmark.*HRH Princess Wilhelmine of Denmark. *From 19 May 1838, her married name became zu Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg. Duchess(Herzogin) zu Schlesw...

About the of Denmark-Oldenburg surname

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