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  • Anne Clarence (c.1759 - 1800)
    Richard Clarence married (1st) Ann Burchett, in 1787, and had the following children; # Robert, chr 18/04/1788, St Botloph, Aldgate, London [source; I.G.I.] # George, chr 14/04/1789, St Botloph, Aldgat...
  • Elizabeth Clarence (1775 - 1852)
    Richard Clarence married (2nd) Elizabeth Buck, on 14/05/1801 at Plaistow, Essex (London) and gives Elizabeth's parents as "Ralph BUCK of Tasborough (Tasburgh) in the county of Norfolk, and Mary, his wi...
  • Margaret of Clarence, Countess of Salisbury (1473 - 1541)
    Margaret Plantagenet, Countess of Salisbury was born on 14 August 1473.3 Last of the Plantagenet family line. Henry VIII was determined to get rid of her; trumped up charge of treason; death on the sca...
  • Richard Clarence (1759 - 1826)
    Richard Clarence married (1st) Ann Burchett, in 1787, and had the following children; # Robert, chr 18/04/1788, St Botloph, Aldgate, London [source; I.G.I.] # George, chr 14/04/1789, St Botloph, Aldgat...
  • Clarence (deceased)

About the of Clarence surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the of Clarence surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the of Clarence surname.

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