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  • Adelaise d’Anjou (d’Amboise) (c.855 - c.890)
    the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Franksih Nobility (covering her birth family): . FAMILY of HUGUES [DUKE of BURGUNDY]1. HUGUES . m ---. The name of Hugues's wife is not known. Hugues & his...
  • Adele de Dreux (909 - 1017)
  • Adele de Meaux (de Vermandois) (c.945 - 975)
    Adele of Meaux (c. 950-c. 980) Also known as "Adele of Vermandois" she was a daughter of Robert of Vermandois and Adelaide-Werra de Chalon .She married Geoffrey I of Anjou . He also had a wife named Ad...
  • Adele d'Anjou, Comtesse d'Amiens (924 - 948)
    Unattributed basic information (at least it has sources):Adèle d'Anjou[1]b. circa 924Father, Foulques I "le Roux", comte d'Anjou b. 870, d. 942Mother, Roscille, dame de Loches b. 874Adèle d'Anjou was b...

About the of Anjou surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the of Anjou surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the of Anjou surname.

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