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O'Pry Genealogy and O'Pry Family History Information

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  • Andrus Prii / Andrew Pry (1880 - 1972)
    Andrus Prii rändas Austraaliasse kus võttis nimeks Andrew Pry - 3. Aadu Sünd VKJ: 19. detsember 1880 - Levalõpma küla, Kirikumõis (Mohn Pastorat) mõis, Muhu kihelkond, Saaremaa, Eesti Aadress...
  • Elizabeth Ann O'Pry (1745 - 1821)
    Wife of Hugh O'Pry I, was born circa 1745, and she died in Twiggs County, Ga. after 1821. Her father was Greshom Benbow. Their children were Richard, John, Amos, George, Robert I, Agnes, and Hugh II. I...
  • Hugh O'Pry II (1785 - 1817)
    He was born circa 1785-1790 in Sumter, South Carolina and died July 27, 1817 in Savannah, Georgia. He was 24 years old, he came down with a fever, it was the cause of his death.. His wife must have pre...
  • Hugh O'Pry, Sr. (c.1746 - 1803)
    As records of our family tree listed in the Genealogy book researched by Daisy O'Pry Shockley, and printed by Henry Clay O'Pry IV, President of Southeastern Color Lithographers, Athens, Ga., Hugh O'Pry...
  • Hugh O'Pry, III (1817 - aft.1841)
    Hugh O'Pry III, son of Hugh O'Pry II (wh was a tailor in savannah) was born in 1817, in Savannah, Ga.Chatham County. He was listed in the Twiggs County History book page 36, as a commissioned officer F...

About the O'Pry surname

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