There are already 772 users and over 25,797 genealogy profiles with the Nunes surname on Geni. Explore Nunes genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
GEDCOM Source Public Member Trees Name: The Generations Network, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2006; @R1@ Database online. Record for Simcha De Aron Senior CoronelBron huwelijks...
Aaron is listed in the Sephardic Jewish Registers PA334-978/979 "Registros dos Despachos" (Registers of Dispatched Persons), Amsterdam Municipality Archives. The list covers the period 1759-1813 with a...
Bron huwelijks-akte: Bruidegom: Isaac van Praag, 28 jaar, geboren te Amsterdam. Beroep:diamantslijper, milicien. Bruid: Abigael Nunes Vaz, 21 jaar, geboren te Amsterdam. Vader bruidegom: Machiel Jacob ...
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