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Nolan Genealogy and Nolan Family History Information

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  • Anastasia Ready (c.1844 - 1922)
    GEDCOM Source ===@R100396498@ Australia, Death Index, 1787-1985 Operations, Inc. Compiled from publicly available sources. 1,1779::0 Birth date: abt 1840Birth place: Death dat...
  • Anna Zane (b. - bef.1763)
    Updated from MyHeritage Family Trees via daughter Betty Mclaughlin (born Zane) by SmartCopy : Jan 20 2015, 21:16:42 UTC
  • Bartholomew Nolan (1862 - 1940)
  • Bette Midler
    Bette Midler is an American singer, actress and comedian, also known (by her informal stage name) as The Divine Miss M. She has starred in films such as The Stepford Wives, The First Wives Club. During...
  • Catherine Finn (deceased)

About the Nolan surname


The name Nolan derives from the Gaelic “O'Nuallain” meaning “descendant of Nu-allan,” which stems from “nuall” meaning “noble” or “famous” or from the Gaelic “O'Nuallachain” meaning “descendant of Ual-lachan,” which stems from “uallach” meaning “proud.” The name came to mean “little proud one,” “little noble one,” “champion” or “chariot fighter” and was used as an Irish surname.


“Nolan” is the name of a county in Texas, USA.