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  • Alonso Navarro Vásquez (c.1573 - c.1620)
    testó en Santiago de Chile ante el Escribano Diego Rutal el 26 de febrero 1620
  • Ana Maya (1636 - 1677)
    Information provided by Crispin D Rendon. Born 1636; died 15 Jun 1677 in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico; buried 15 Jun 1677 in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
  • Ana Sosa Navarro (c.1594 - 1670)
    Ana de SOSA ALBORNOZ74 was born (date unknown). Parents: Alonso de SOSA ALBORNOZ and Beatriz NAVARRO. Spouse: 2nd Lt. Alonso de FARIAS. Ana de SOSA ALBORNOZ and 2nd Lt. Alonso de FARIAS were married ab...

About the Navarro surname

It is a Filipino surname as my grandfather, Lauriano Antes Navarro was born in San Felipe,
Zambales, Luzon, PI on 4 Jul 1898.


Balázs Déri :

Some Navarro families and inhabitants of Navarra in Ibéria of Hispania may be named after
A'awar-Ra-Na-Ha ,called also A'ar-Ren-Nawa-Ha and Ha'ar-Rayan-Na ,or else A'ar-Ren-Nan-Na ,
who was the possessor of the place at the mountain of Ma-ya-Rawa-Ha in the Holy Land
of America in the days of its first paramount king ruling from about 1123 until 1083 BC ,
at which the Temple of God and the storing place of the Arc of Covenant was build ,on the spot
believed to be the very middle of the Universe , in the period between about 1080 and 1073 BC .

As it is described in the Byble ,Ed-Da-ya-Wa-Da ,the W'edda king bought it from its possessor or
tenant ,mentioned above ,who was titulated a Wa(n)-Bayasa after the former or alternative name
of the place ,the Holy City of Hierosalém ,then inhabited by the Chichimeca tribe of the same name .
It is not clear though if the person was indeed descended from that tribe ,or was called so only
because of being an inhabitant of the city .

Anyway ,A'awar-Ra-Naha alias Ha'ar-Rayan-Na may be the ancestor of some of Urarina tribe of
Peru ,and of the Awarhun or Aguaruna in Ecuador .
The ancestors of both might once have lived in the vicinity of the Holy City ,that was situated -
from their current point of view - beyond the river Qadarrayanna ,which is translated as Rio Negro .
It was also at the source of Gewag-Ha-Yanna ,after which the country it flows around is called
G'wa(g)-Yanna ,that is Guayana ,as spelled now,and it is the Orinoco .

The Urarina ,called also Sing'acuchusca ,may basically be descended from Sek Kuchu ,king of
Singra / Silla in Corea ,and thus may be related to the royals of the Holy City ,also descended from this family .

The Awarhun on the other hand are members of the Hivaro confoederation ,that may be named so after
Hierosalém ( Hiwaero-Salayawam ) .
This alliance was until recently divided into four ethnically or racially different groups ,waging
constant wars against one another .
Another group are the Wambisa or Huambisa ,who may also be the successors of the people of
Wa(n)-Bayasa ,as the Holy City was formerly or alternatively called,and may of part indeed be descended
from its native Chichimeca tribe called also so .
So A'awar-Ra-Na-Wa-Ha ,the Wa)n)-Bayasa may be one of the ancestor of the Awarhuna and of the
Wambisa in Ecuador .

The Hivaro are also partially called Shuara ,likely after Ar-Ga-Shawa-Ha from the subtribe of
Asha-Laha ,after whom the capital of Tibet may well be named,from the tribe of A-Wa-Haya-Daha ,
the generic Daha ancestor and likely founder of the ancient Hayato state ,one of the twelve forefathers
of the Chosen People,the Native Americans ,idnetified by the later European tradition of the exile with the
twelve "gods",among them with Hadés / Aidés / Dis / Pluto .
Ar-Ga-Shawa-Ha may be the one ,from the Shawa-Lana tribe ,who is commemorated by the Ibérian
Basques and Navarrans as Sugaar ,one of their ancestors .
The Ibérian culture appeared in Hispania and in the Caucas mountains in the 7th century BC ,
and its bearers are identifyable with the exiled inhabitants of the Holy Land of America,and especially
with those from its capital Hiero-Salém .
It was then,that the king of Bable ,Nabu-Kudurri-Austur had attacked the Southern country of the
Holy Land,and then lead a campaign into Hispania too ,.and ruled there for 9 years after that,according
to the chronicle .
This might have been the occasion Ibérians and people of the Wambisa Awarhuna or Urarina were
taken to Hispania ,and settled in the country that they have bnamed after their ancestor ,Navarra .
Even the Ibér name might have been introduced by this people ,given to the country for their
generic ancestor called A-War-Ga-Qa(n)-Ba ,father of the twelve brothers ,which might have been
turned into Ibér ,that is i-Ba-ya-War ,and later to Hebraios .
He ruled 1482 years before the Bable king ,that is until 2136 BC ,whereas his lifetime was about
between 2202-2128 .

This also corresponds to Wariba ,still in use in the region ,and partly to Hibaro ,an alternative spelling
of Hivaro .

So some people of Navarro / Navarra may be named after and be descended from A'awarra-Na-Ha ,
the Awarhuina ,or Urarina ,who was in some aspect a Wambisa too .

See Schugar,Sugár,Solano,Solana,Lérida,Navarra,Adler,Denkstein,Hidalgo,Nama,Asturiano,Castellano,
Ibarra,Gascogne,Gascon,Gascoigne,Vázquez,Ascona,Segovia,Merida,Mérida and others !
