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Navarre Genealogy and Navarre Family History Information

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  • Inés de Navarra (1220 - d.)
    King Teobaldo I had four illegitimate children by unknown mistresses: Origins 9. INES de Navarra . Her parentage and marriage are confirmed by a charter dated 15 Jul 1243 under which "D. Alvar Peri...
  • Anastasie-Marguerite-Marie Gautreau (1782 - 1806)
    Sources: "Acadian Immigrants to Lafourche des Chitimachas/Valenzuéla, 1785-86" - Sailed to la Luisiana on Le St.-Rémi , age 2 Valenzuela, la Luisiana census, 1788, listed as Anastasie, age 4 ...
  • Anne-Jeanne Boudreau (1785 - 1850)
    Sources: "Acadian Immigrants to Bayou des Écores, New Feliciana, 1785-86" - Sailed to la Luisiana on La Ville d'Archangel , an infant Moved to Lafourche valley Notes: Arrived in...
  • Aubin Navarre (c.1532 - 1609)
    Galeran Navarre (Abt 1502-1552) Aubin Navarre (Abt 1532-)Family LinksSpouses/Children: Michelle Pelletier Mathurine Navarre+ Mathurine NavarreAubin Navarre Born: Abt 1532, St aubin, Tourouvre, Orne, F...
  • Blanche of Artois (1248 - 1302)
    Blanche of Artois (1248 – 2 May 1302) was the queen regent of Navarre from 1274 to 1284, and later became Countess of Lancaster by marrying into the English royal family. She was the queen consort of N...

About the Navarre surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Navarre surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Navarre surname.

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