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Nassi Genealogy and Nassi Family History Information

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  • Anna Reyna Mendes Nassi (c.1528 - 1599)
    Daughter of Donna Gracia Nassi, wife of Don Yossef Nassi
  • Donna Beatrice Gracia de Luna Nassi (1510 - 1569)
    Donna Gracia Mendes Nassi YouTube Donna Gracia Mendes Nassi (Gracia is archaic Portuguese and Spanish for the Hebrew Hannah, also known by her Christianized name Beatriz de Luna Miques, 1510–1569) was ...
  • Brianda Mendes Nassi (deceased)
    Niece of Donna Gracia Nassi
  • Diogo Mendes Nassi (b. - 1543)
    Donna Gracia and Mendes Family Born Marano in Lisbon Portugal. His Jewish Hebrew name was Meir Benveniste. Was brother-in -law of Dona Gracia Mendes-Nassi, whose husband and his brother was Francisc...
  • Joseph Nasi, Duke of Naxos (1524 - 1579)
    Don Yosef Nassi, Duke of Naxos Banker at Antwerp. Turkish statesman and financier; born in Portugal at the beginning of the sixteenth century; died at Constantinople Aug. 2, 1579. His father, a yo...

About the Nassi surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Nassi surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Nassi surname.

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