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About the Myers surname

The origin of the Myers surname can either be English or German. The English origin has three possible sources:

  1. from the Old French mire meaning physician
  2. from the Old Norse myrr meaning marsh
  3. an early medieval patronymic meaning son of Mayer, an occupational name for a mayor.

The German origin has the meaning steward or bailiff, as in the magistrate of a city or town.
Myers can also be from the Middle English and Old French term mair or maire, from the Latin maior meaning greater or superior. In France and Scotland where the name is usually spelled Mair the title denoted various minor local officials. Therefore the surname could have been given to a person who had held such an office, or as a nickname to a pompous or officious person.

Variations: Myer, Meyers, Meers, Mears, Meares, Myars, Myres, Miers, Miares, Myeres, Mayers, Mair
