There are already 1,015 users and over 28,078 genealogy profiles with the Moss surname on Geni. Explore Moss genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
IdentityNot the same as Frances North >I am a direct descendent of Frances Brockett and Dudley North, as well as of Richard Moss and Ann Sherratt. I have found no evidence that Frances Brockett (1583-1...
This is the oldest Marked Grave in Putnam Co. NY. "In Memory of Mrs Abigail Kent ye Pious Consort of ye Revd Mr Elisha Kent She Died Janry 1751 Aged 33 years Blessed Are ye Dead that Die in ye Lord".* ...
The line of Paul Russell Moss came from Northern Germany. Unclear whether it was originally Maus.
I think there are 3 main Moss families in Europe, one Irish, one English, one Jewish.
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