The Surname Milano is not unusual in Italy and it might indeed indicate people coming from the City of Milano in Lombardy, however next to two sizable clusters of people with this surname in Piedmont and Lombardy , where this hypothesis would look very real, many Milano are actually found in the South of Italy. True, in the past the South was more prosperous of some areas of the North, and this could account for a certain number of immigrants but it is all too possible that the Milano from the South of Italy have an entire different and separate origin from the Milano whom, somehow, originally came from the city of Milan. There are at least two main exceptions to this origin, one are the Milano d’Aragona family ,the other the Jewish Milano family from Rome. The first has a traditional oral history that the surname was Milà or Milan and later they cane to the kingdom of Naples with King Alphonse of Aragon and after marring into the family Alagno the surname became Milano. The second claims that they descend from a Capone family, Jews from Fondi and Ariccia with far and legendary family origins in Sicily and Egypt. At some point one of the members of the Capone family( which supposedly had origine from Sabato di Yerucham or Jerucham alias Capone) Salomone Rosino Capone, became a tax collector who was entrusted with collecting the dues from the Milan jewish community and therefore this would be the start of him being called Milano. One thing is sure, the Surname , as Milano , Milan or Milaõ, existed in Spain and Portugal before both families had, according to their accounts, originated. In particular , in Spain and Portugal there were Jews with this surname, registered in various documents and in a wide range of places , with the surname Milano. Milano could be an Iberian toponym ( there are villages and cities called El Milà, El Milano, Milano) or could be a nickname derived from the fact that the word means Kite, a bird of prey. There is also a third exception among the Milano from the South of Italy and this is the Arbëreshë (Italian-Albanians) Milano family from Calabria. Agesilao Milano a soldier who tried to assassinate the King of Naples Ferdinand II of Bourbon, was a member of this family with a distinct ethnic profile.
Balázs Déri :
Milano ,formerly Mediolanum in Italia ,the name of which was interpreted as Middle-Land ,
the centre and capital indeed of the land of Lombards ,of Pannonian origin ,
might have been founded by Troian refugees after the war for their city that ended in about 1525 BC ,
with their defeat ,and among them by the descendants of Laomedón ,father of Priamos ,
alias Podarkés ,whose name ,that may derive from La-Wo-Med-Oon in some language ,
might have been given to the site : Med-i-Wo-La-an .
All Itlaians ,included Lombardians ,are called in several Slavic langauges still Wolos ,
that may be interpreted as Wo-La-Os ,with the implication of the name of the Alanians called Os ,
who might have been the people of Troia ,at least of part .
So Wolos would mean the Alans of Laomedón .
The Digor are another Oset tribe ,after whom Itlaians are vulgarly called Digoo too .
Troian kings are stated to be descended from Zeys,father of Korythos father of Dardanos father
of Trós father of Ilos father of Laomedón .
As ancient Romans claim to be descended from them as well ,this Zeys might be identified with
Ze-Ma-Rawa ,one of the five sons of A-Zhe-Reg-Ha son of WHYDH ,one of the twelve forefathers of
the Chosen People ,the Native Americans ,called ,as one of the twelve "gods" ,or rather planets they
may be named after Aidés or Hadés by Greeks and Dis or Plutón by Latins ,generic ancestor of Daha peoples ,
now called after his alternative name Iranian Arya ,who include also the Alanians or Osets .
He was namely alternatively called Ag-Ayar-'Are-Wa ,which in the Byblical language means Cub Of Lion ,
and refers to Pluto he may be named after ,the dominant planet of the lion's evil spirit .
In the Hia dynasty of China ,he apperars to have been called Zhu / Ju ,after which the people of Iudaia ,
and of other palces ,are often called Jew .
His son ,A-Zhe-Reg-Ha is the generic ancestor of Zhe peoples in the Holy Land of America,
where the original Troia they left might have stood ,who could have been called Zeys of Argos by Greeks ,
and his European successors the speakers of the language called after their ancestor Jargon ,
who are the so called Ashkenazi Jew .
The latter may descend in particular from Askanios ,son of Aineias ,from the same dynasty of Zeys .
Laomedón,after whom thus Milano might have been named ,was the father of Priamos ( Pari-Wam ) ,
from whom Wampari people may descend,called also Podarkés ,namesake ancestor of Paudarco
tribe in Brazil .
Capys ( Ka-Apu-i ) was also the member of the clan on a side branch ,and he may be the
progenitor of Cayapo ,that is Ka-i-Apu tribes of Brazil ,whose name means Ape-Like .
In fact,the whole family might have been of that nature ,even those ,whose successors are not called so .
it is told in the Qur'an ,that they were turned into outcast apes because of fishing on Saturday .
Then there was a Ganymédés ( Ga-Niu-Mayawad ) ,who may be the ancestor of Panará tribe
of the Cayapo ,whose name sounds rather like Panö(n)örá .
Although he was ,as they say ,homosexual ,like every ape without exception ,and was therefore robbed
by a Zeys allegedly into the Heaven ,whatever this would mean in their perception ,still could have children ,
as many of such inclination have .
His name interpreted as Niu-Ga-Ma-Wad-ya could nowadays be rendered namely as Nyugot-Modyor ,
that is West-Hungarian ,which is the synonymy of Pannon ,from which Panö(n)örá ,as Panno(n)-Irá
may derive . They are also called Kreye-Aka(n)rore .
Pan-Non can also be interpreted as No-Bread ,so either Ganyméd or another Pannon ancestor of this
family of Ze-Ma-Rawa ,the Zeys of Roma ,that is Iuppiter ,the ancestor of Troians ,may be identical with
Ar-Geg-Ken-Na ,mentioned in the Byble ,as the Spoiler Of The Nation ,after whom the valley of
Ag-Ra-Ke-ye-Re was named ,whose naem may mean something like that too .
From these two names connected to him could have Ke-Re-ye and Ag-Ke(nn)a-Ra-(Ware) been formed .
So this is the reason due to which there are no Human Rights and Justice in - among others -
the province of Pannonia .
Human Rights are namely irreconcilable with the bonobo minority "rights" .
As it is to see on our example ,my partner and myself ,who are not able to meet each other for decades ,
because it is not "common interest " and there is "no enough resource and personnel" to
bring us face-to-face to each other ,to officially organize our meeting hindered by organized criminal gorillas ,
for at least 22 years ,in contrast with which to secure and support the exhibition of the pride of aberration
across the city,cities of Europe and the Globe, from year to year meets no such problems at all .
So apparently either practicing homosexuality is healthy and "heterosexuality" ,which is in fact the mere spirituality
of a human, is insane ,or homosexuality is a mental and moral illnes ,and longing for holyness ,purity ,
unity and love is normal .
Either you serve Allahum ,or you serve the enemy of Allahum .
There is no middle path .
So what has happened to us is a foretaste of what is coming upon to future generations ,
and nobody can expect quick justice ,neither help from us, for their part any more after all this ,
as there has been none for us either .
See Milanese,Milanesi,Visconti,Uscamayta,Capua,Indig,Kapy,Pannon,Képíró,Zsidó,Zsédenyi,Politzer,
,Zamuco,Oro,Poturic,Darida,Döme,Daragó,Szilágyi,Mucsi and more !