There are already 147 users and over 10,045 genealogy profiles with the Mercier surname on Geni. Explore Mercier genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
1671 Acadie Census - shown to be 30 years old which estimates birth c.1641 (with parents)
1671 Acadie Census - shown to be 30 years old which estimates birth c.1641 (with spouse)
QUI SONT SES PARENTS ?Ce dossier est composé de faits de base et de contradictions constatées. Donc il faudra faire appel à la logique de probabilités.Voilà des faits de base sur quoi tous seraient d'a...
brief biography and family died at age 91
comments Date and place of birth have also been (erroneously?) reported to be:
November 5, 1572 at Tourouvre, Orne, Normandy (now Lower Normandy), France...
Françoise Gaudet
Born about 1623 in France
Died about 1699 at about age 76 in Port-Royal, Acadie, Nouvelle-France
Daughter of Jean Gaudet and Unknown (Inconnu) Gaudet
Sister of Denis Gaudet, Ma...
Need to no the name of my grandmother name of alma mercier vlaun
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