There are already 156 users and 4,754 genealogy profiles with the Martini surname on Geni. Explore Martini genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Giacomo Spiridione Martini (Oderzo, 24 novembre 1876 – Milano, 8 novembre 1954) è stato un disegnatore, pittore, incisore e illustratore italiano, precursore del movimento surrealista.
Alfredo Martini (Calenzano, 18 febbraio 1921 – Sesto Fiorentino, 25 agosto 2014) è stato un ciclista su strada e dirigente sportivo italiano. Professionista dal 1941 al 1957, vinse un Giro del Piemon...
Anita Marie Martini (March 3, 1939 – July 10, 1993) was an American sports journalist and broadcaster. She was the first woman to cover a Major League Baseball (MLB) All-Star Game (1973) and the firs...
Martini (1889–1947) was a leading Italian sculptor between World War I and II. He moved between a very vigorous (almost ancient Roman) classicism and modernism. He was associated with public sculpture ...
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