Martínez, often spelled without the accent on the "i", is a common surname in the Spanish language. Martínez is the most common surname in Navarra, La Rioja, Cuenca and Murcia. also in the Spanish language has variations like "San Martin" or "Martín" with an accent in the "i".
It has originated as a Patronymic surname, meaning Son of Martín (English: Martin). Its Portuguese equivalent is "Martins" meaning Son of Martin. Martinez (as well as other Patronymics such as Hernandez, Gomez, etc) is also used sometimes as a component word of a multi-word surname in Spanish. Famous examples are Martinez del Rio and Perez Cuellar. Martinez comes from the personal name "Martin", which is itself derived from the Latin Martinus, whose root is Mars, the name of the Roman god of fertility and war. The name "Martin" became popular throughout Christian Europe after it was borne by a famous 4th century French saint (though of Hungarian origin): Martin of Tours.
Martínez is a widely spread surname (among other European surnames) due, in large part to the global influence of the Spanish culture on territories and colonies in the Americas, Africa and Asia. Likewise, due to emigration throughout Europe, Martínez is relatively common in countries neighboring or near Spain, such as: Andorra, Portugal, France, Switzerland and Italy.
In the United States, according to the 1990 Census, "Martínez" ranked nineteenth among all surnames reported, accounting for 0.23% of the population.[1]
The Italian equivalents are: Martinello, Martinolli, Martini, Martino, DiMartini, and DiMartino. The Romanian equivalent is Martinescu.