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Marshal Genealogy and Marshal Family History Information

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  • Agnes Bower (1838 - 1899)
    Obituary Mrs Hugh Bower Mrs Hugh Bower an old and respected resident of Balclutha passed away on Saturday morning at the age of 68. The deceased went to Christchurch last Easter to visit her second son...
  • Anselm Marshal, 6th Earl of Pembroke (c.1202 - 1245)
    Marshal (died 23 December 1245) was the sixth Earl of Pembroke (of the second creation) and Earl Marshal of England, the youngest and last of the five sons of William Marshal to hold that post. He succ...
  • Eleanor of Leicester, Countess of Pembroke & Leicester (1215 - 1275)
    Eleanor of LeicesterCountess of Pembroke; Countess of LeicesterSpouse William Marshal, 2nd Earl of Pembrokem. 1224; dec. 1231Simon de Montfort, 6th Earl of Leicesterm. 1238; dec. 1265IssueHenry de Mont...
  • Elizabeth FitzHerbert (c.1437 - 1490)
    (of Norbury, Derbyshire, England).Both Ralph's and Elizabeth's wills are still available, and her will states that she "should be buried in the church of Saint Barloke before the image of Saint Nichola...
  • Elizabeth Marshal (c.1409 - c.1441)
    The visitations of the county of Nottingham in the years 1569 and 1614 : with many other descents of the same county (1871)* Marshall. Pg.166-167*John Marshall = ; ch: Roger Marshall**Roger Marshall =...

About the Marshal surname

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