Margolioth (מַרְגָּלִיּוֹת) is a family name that originates from the Hebrew and Greek word "מרגלית margālīth (margolis), margālīyôth (pl.)" , which means "pearl". Variants are: Margolis, Margulis, Margules, Margulas, Margoliouth, Margoliut(h), Margo, Margolin, Margolinski, Margolinsky, etc. Various family names of same meaning are Perlman, Perelman, Perlstein, Perlmutter, Perelmuth, etc.
Polish family of Talmudic scholars that traces its descent from Rashi, on the one side, and from the families of Shor and Samuel Edels on the other. The first Margolioth known was Samuel, dayyan at Posen about 1550; one of his sons, Moses Mordecai, was rabbi at Cracow. The daughter of R. Moses Mordecai married a relative, Mendel Margolioth, rabbi at Przemysl (d. April 2, 1652), and bore him eight sons, all of whom were distinguished Talmudists. It is not certain from which one of Mendel Margolioth's sons Judah of Potok (d. 1672) was descended. From Mordecai ben Menahem Monis, the great-great-grandson of Judah of Potok, descended a line of scholars. Mordecai himself was a cabalist and had Talmudic controversies with the author of Noda' bi-Yehudah, among others. The most renowned of this branch of the Margolioth family was Ephraim Solomon of Brody (d. there August 5, 1828). Ephraim Solomon was not a rabbi, but his numerous works were accepted in the rabbinical world as authoritative. There are numerous scholars bearing the name of Margolioth whose relationship to the family, though probable, can not be determined.
- Abi Ezra Selig Margolioth: *
- Abraham Elijah b. Nathan Margolioth:
- Alexander Margolioth:
- Asher Solomon Margolioth.
- Ephraim Zalman Margolioth:
- Ḥayyim Mordecai Margolioth:
- Isaac ben Jacob Margolioth:
- Jacob Margolioth of Nuremberg:
- Jacob Margolioth of Ratisbon:
- Jacob Koppel b. Ẓebi Margolioth:
- Judah Löb ben Asher Margolioth:
- Meïr b. Ẓebi Hirsch Margolioth:
- Moses b. Judah Löb Margolioth:
- Moses Mordecai ben Samuel Margolioth:
- Naphtali Margolioth (Margaritha):
- Saul b. Meïr Margolioth:
- Moses Margoliouth (1818-1881), Jewish historian (Jewish Christian)
- David Samuel Margoliouth (D. S. Margoliouth)
- Avi Margalit, see אבי מרגלית
- Dan Margalit, Israeli journalist and columnist
- Meir Margalit, see מאיר מרגלית
- Margaliot, moshav
- Moses ben Samuel Levi Margaliot, chief rabbi of Transylvania (1778-1817)
- Allan Margolis, the founder of the first black-oriented music station in South Florida
- Char Margolis, spiritualist
- Cindy Margolis, model
- Eric Margolis, journalist
- Gwen Margolis, first woman president of the Florida Senate
- Isaac ben Eliah Margolis, Russo-Polish rabbi and author ([1])
- John Margolis
- Justin Margolis
- Kenny Margolis, musician
- Leo Margolis, Canadian parasitologist
- Lipa Margolis, Rabbi, (Rosh Yeshiva)
- Mark Margolis
- Max Leopold Margolis (Max L. Margolis, Max Margolis), linguist ([2])
- Maxine Margolis, American anthropologist
- Seth Margolis, novelist
- Richard A. Margoles, Ph.D.
- David Margolies
- Reuven Margolies, rabbi
- Donald Margolies, playwright
- Mordecai Jaffe-Margolies-Schlesinger of Vienna (David Sered): Rabbi at Bösing (Pezinok), Hungary;
- Berl Margulis (Berl Broder), Broder singer
- Grigory Margulis, mathematician
- Lynn Margulis, biologist
- Yura Margulis, pianist
- Margulis constant, see Margulis lemma
- Evgeniy Margulis, guitarist, vocalist and author of songs of Russian rock band Mashina Vremeni (currently) and Voskresenie (in the past)
- Margulis, a villain from the game series Xenosaga
- Ben Margulies, songwriter and record producer
- David Merrick, born David Lee Margulois (or Margulies)
- Donald Margulies, American playwright
- Gerson Herz Margulies, Austrian cantor
- Julianna Margulies, actress
- Leo Margulies, American editor and publisher
- Sam Marguleis, American writer and divorce mediator
- Ludwik Margules, film director
- Max Margules, Austrian scholar
- Arnold Margolin, television producer, screen writer, and director
- Bob Margolin, guitarist
- David Margolin
- Janet Margolin, actress, see also David and Lisa
- Jean-Louis Margolin
- Malcolm Margolin, independent publisher, author
- Michael S. Margolin
- Phillip Margolin, writer and lawyer
- Stuart Margolin, film and television actor
- Rabbi Aaron M. Margolin, Director of Chabad, Tidewater VA
- Zalman Margolin, Suit Manager
- Bruce ‘Caveman’ Margolis, State of Texas ESD 48 Commissioner, radio personality
- Jaime B. Margolis-Maloney, Attorney, journalist, editor
- Jake Michael Margolis, Software Engineer, Video Game Developer, Improv Comedian,
- Jessie Erin Margolis, Teacher, Artist
- Miriam Margolyes, British character actress
* Perl, Perle, Pearl, Pearle
Jewish Encylcopedia