Village Maradona in Galicia of Spain ,once existing ,that Maradona families are belived to
be named after ,might have been founded by members of Domara ( Don-Mara ) tribe still
bearing this name in New Guinea .
They are related or allied to Mailu ,who may well be descended from Maile ,son of Samaale Osmaan ,
according to Somalian nobles' genealogies ,who was called Osmo Kaleva in Suomala ,
Kalvis in Prussia,Kale-' Aba in Arabia ,as the forefather of Kale people of Suomi and other places .
They are alternatively called Maur Tsigan too ,or even Manush Tsigan ,wherefor Samaale was called
Capac Chimor in Chimú,that is Tsig-Maur.
He is identical with Manco Capac of Cuzco ,founder of Chima Panaca ,that may rather be
Che-Mapu-Inaca ,members of which had the privilege to wear fur of bat on their clothes .
This is one reason of that descendants of them in Mato Grosso were called Morcego tribes,
because this word means a bat in Portuguese ,and those in Canada and in its vicinity ,
like for instance the Mango-Ag chiefs ,were called Sega-More .
Both Mor-Cego and the altter are variations for Maur-Tsigo .
Maile ( Ma-Ile ) son of Osmaan is identifyable with Ilmari ( Ile-Ma-Ari ) son of Osmo ,
who was called Ilmar-Achche ( Ile-Ma-Raats-Che ) by Lapponians ,asigning to it the meaning of
Heavenly Father .
He may be the ancestor thus of Rache ( Raats-Che ) people in America,the Holy Land ,
among the Tsimane ( Tsig-Mane ),whose name corresponds to the idea of Tsigan Manush ,
and of Morawa one related to Mailu in New Guinea .
Their people mgiht have settled at rivers called Morava in Central Europe ,one in Czech country
and the other in Serbia ,tha land of the people formerly called Raats .
This territory between and including the two Moravas was called Magna Moravia or Megalé Morabia .
Some of its "Gypsy" inhabitants call themselves Modyor Tsigan ,because Modyor comes from Méd
( Ma-ya-Wad ) ,and Maur was the African name of Méds and Armenians in tthe army of Héraklés ,
as they say .
The kingdom of the Al-Morabitun in the Maghrab might have thus been founded by Modyor / Maur / Manush
Tsigan chiefs and their peoples ,that included Che-Raats tribes ,too.
Maile was the father of Uud ,father of Udu-Gal,who might have reigned in Gall regions ,
perhaps right there in Galicia .Domara tribe thus might have been his clan or vassals ,
among whom some might have settled in Maradona .
Formerly ,their ancestors might have lived at Don river in Sarmatia ,where also Udi people in the
Caucas and Ud-Murt at the Ural could have come from ,both partially descended from Uud ,Maile's son .
Galicia itself was named after Gallaikos ( Gallawik ) ,also one of Héraklés' sons .
The ancient Héraklés ( Hayawa-Rak-Kel ) is identical with E-Wash-A-Shak-Kel-Ra ,
one of the twelve ancestors of the Chosen People,the Native American Indians ,
from whom those speaking Euskara may also be descended .
As Kallaikos ( Kallawik ) ,they may be related to the O-Klavik tribe among the Inuit .
See Morawa,Mailer,Udi,Ude,Morava,Kaleva,Suomalainen,Suomi,Somalia,Magyary,Magyari,Morciego,
Pakistan,Zigeuner,Marrano,Arista and others !
Balázs Déri