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Magoon Genealogy and Magoon Family History Information

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  • Ann Long Mudgett Magoon (1659 - c.1704)
    'Salisbury Massachusetts to Rockingham New Hampshire migration. He and Deputy Sheriff Joseph-3 Pike (1638-1694) "were slain by Indians as they traveled the head of the further end of Pond Plain..the...
  • Ann Magoon (c.1657 - c.1731)
    Please do not confuse with Ann French Morrill Magoon, a different wife of Alexander Magoon's.
  • Charles Edward Magoon, Governor of Cuba (1861 - 1920)
    Edward Magoon (December 5, 1861 – January 14, 1920) was an American lawyer, judge, diplomat, and administrator who is best remembered as a governor of the Panama Canal Zone, Minister to Panama, and an ...
  • Hannah Standish (1729 - 1803)
    Descendant of Mayflower passenger George Soule Standish Magoon aka Magoun 13 July 1729–23 August 1803Birth • 1 Sources 13 July 1729 Pembroke, Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial Americ...
  • Hannah Stauffer Magoon (1852 - 1930)
    Hannah Stauffer Magoon (Eshleman)

About the Magoon surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Magoon surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Magoon surname.

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