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Magnani Genealogy and Magnani Family History Information

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  • Anna Magnani (1908 - 1973)
    Anna Maria Magnani (7 March 1908 – 26 September 1973) was an Italian actress. She was known for her explosive acting and earthy, realistic portrayals of characters.
  • Aurelio Magnani (1856 - 1921)
    Aurelio Magnani (Longiano, 26 febbraio 1856 – Roma, 25 gennaio 1921) è stato un clarinettista e compositore italiano.
  • Cesare Francesco Ricotti Magnani (1822 - 1917)
    Francesco Ricotti Magnani (June 30, 1822 - August 4, 1917) was an Italian general, minister of War of the Kingdom of Italy and Cavaliere della Santissima Annunziata (Knight of the Most Holy Annunciatio...
  • Christiane Martel
    Christiane Martel (born Christiane Magnani on 18 January 1935) is a French actress, model and beauty queen. She became the second woman to win the Miss Universe beauty pageant in 1953.[2] She was the...
  • Ferruccio Magnani (1909 - 1944)
    Magnani, nome di battaglia "Giacomo", (Bologna, 20 gennaio 1909 – Bologna, 5 dicembre 1944), è stato un antifascista e partigiano italiano, dirigente bolognese del PCI nel periodo fascista.Per la sua a...

About the Magnani surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Magnani surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Magnani surname.

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