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  • Agnes Fraser (1623 - 1654)
  • Agnes Mackenzie of Kintail (1550 - 1609)
    GEDCOM Note ===AF: Ancestry continues.
  • Agnes Fraser (c.1456 - 1494)
    Agnes Fraser Spouse: Sir Kenneth Mackenzie of Kintail Children: John Mackenzie, 9th of Kintail, who succeeded his elder half-brother Alexander Mackenzie, ancestor of the Mackenzies of Davochmalu...
  • Agnes Mackenzie (1663 - 1696)
    Married July 1680 Referenced in Wikipedia Entry for George Mackenzie === GEDCOM Source ===28 JUL 2019 14:34:13 GMT -0500 Michael Slater Slater Web Site MyHeritage family tree Family site: Slater Web Si...
  • Alexander Mackenzie, 2nd of Ballone (1644 - 1724)
    Biographical Summary =="II. Alexander Mackenzie, second of Ballone , to whom his uncle, Kenneth Mackenzie, I. of Scatwell, has a retour of Tutory in 1656 as " nearest agnate-uncle on the father's side,...

About the Mackenzie surname

other versions of this surname


Balázs Déri :

Some Mackenzie families of Scotia ,that is Albanach ,may share origin with Zimakani ( Zi-Makaen-i )
tribe of New Guinea ,related to the one called Bwadji ,maybe a subtribe of the latter .
They in turn may be related to the Ojibwa ( Ot-Dyi-Bwa ) of the Holy Land of America,an Algonquine nation .
Algonque is a phonetic variation of the ethnonym Aghwank ( Alguank ) used by Armenians to denote
the Albans in the Caucas .
Both they and the European Albans ,included the inhabitants of Alba ,may be descended from A'as-Sharra ,
one of the twelve ancestors of the Chosen Nation ,the Native Americans .
Sarra was namely the ancient name of Tyros in Phoinicia ,where Tyrséns may originate from ,
who are now called Toscanian .
Tyr-As ,as well as ,approximately ,As-Tur ,is the same as As-Sarra .
Toscanians are related to the Tosk people in the Balkan ,who are Albans .

A'as-Sharra ,son of A-Wa-Sharra-A'l ,was apparently called Easru ,son of Sru in the Gaelic tradition
of Alba .
He was succeeded by his son and grandson,Beoghaman and Heber,called Ba-Ra-War-Ga-Ha and
Ak-Heber-Ra in the Byble .Their descendant was Asha-yan-Mara ,after whom the Asaianmara class
of cAfar peoples may be named ,and he may be the Otjibwa ancestor too,because they live largely in
Djibuti ( Dji-Bwa-Oti ),named after the Ojibwa exiled from the Holy Land .

So it is possible that Mackenzie families are of Algonquine origin ,from the European Tyrséns

See Heber,Pampa,Burgund,Burgu,Duncan,Ferguson,Gáldi,Maestre,Damara,Páez,Estremadura,Asturiano,
Asmara,Swampy,Tevan,Argentino,Scott,Glasgow,Dani,Tajti,Bornholm,Houston and others !