There are already 1,200 users and over 50,132 genealogy profiles with the Møller surname on Geni. Explore Møller genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Christian Møller ===Kilder===* Norsk biografisk leksikon: Alexander Møller * Store norske leksikon: Riksforsamlingen på Eidsvoll 1814 Kirurg, filantrop og eidsvollsmann. Foreldre: Salmakermester Christ...
Võru linnapea
Elu : Võru-Valga-Petserimaa töörahva häälekandja, 18 august 1934
sünd/geb.: Saaga EAA.1268.1.25:10?137,128,1029,365,0
Rõuge PR 1837 Saaga EAA.1268.1.99:21?147,792,192,28,0
SAG v3 Anna Catharina Möller bapt 27 Apr 1687 daughter of Heinrich Christoffel Möller and Margaretha Marquardt (she xx Michiel Gallant v Negapatnam, India)* Tydens haar geloofsbelydenis op 21 Sep 1710,...
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