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Luther Genealogy and Luther Family History Information

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  • Alexander Martin Christian* Luther (1878 - 1925)
    citizen living in Finland and an officer in the Russian army during WWI. Director of a Luther-owned brick factory in Leppakoski, Finland. Director of a Plywood Factory in Staraya Russa, Russia. 1923 bo...
  • Alexander* Martin Luther (1810 - 1876)
    Alexander Martin Luther (* 27. Dezember 1809 jul./ 8. Januar 1810 greg. in Tallinn, Gouvernement Estland; † 10. September jul./ 22. September 1876 greg. ebenda) war ein deutschbaltischer Kaufmann und U...
  • Alice Luther (Pearce) (1729 - 1810)
  • Anna Luther (1897 - 1960)
    Anne Luther (7 July 1897, New Jersey - 16 December 1960, Hollywood) was an American silent film actress. Newspapers described her hair as having an orange hue. She was the daughter of a New York sewing...
  • Benjamin Luther (1754 - 1837)

About the Luther surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Luther surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Luther surname.

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