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Luciani Genealogy and Luciani Family History Information

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  • Pope John Paul I (1912 - 1978)
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Pope John Paul I (Latin: Ioannes Paulus PP. I, Italian: Giovanni Paolo I), born Albino Luciani (Italian pronunciation: [al%CB%88bino luˈtʃani]; 17 October 1912 – 2...
  • Anna Cascella Luciani (1941 - 2023)
    Anna Cascella Luciani (Roma, 20 febbraio 1941 – Roma, 31 luglio 2023) è stata una poetessa italiana.
  • Ellen Luciani Alemany
    Ellen Rose Alemany is an American business executive. She is the Vice Chairwoman of First Citizens BancShares. She was formerly the chairwoman of CIT Group. In 2020 she was included in a list of "mo...
  • Giulio Cesare Luciani (1826 - 1914)
    Giulio Cesare Luciani (Acquaviva delle Fonti, 8 novembre 1826 – Roma, 1914) è stato un patriota e letterato italiano.
  • Luigi Luciani (1842 - 1919)
    Luciani (Ascoli Piceno, 23 novembre 1840 – Roma, 23 giugno 1919) è stato un cardiologo e fisiologo italiano.

About the Luciani surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Luciani surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Luciani surname.

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