There are already 67 users and 3,257 genealogy profiles with the List surname on Geni. Explore List genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
"Michigan, County Births, 1867-1917," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 19 July 2021), Alma List, 17 Feb 1887; citing Birth, various county courts, Michigan.
"Michigan Births, 1867-1902," databas...
Utdrag fra om List-ætten, i Engebret Hougen, "Av Haulde-ætt": Anders Sigurdsen List levde på Kleppe, hvor han må være født omtrent 1430, og var iallefall i live 17. oktober 1480, da han kaller seg lagr...
Benjamin List (born 11 January 1968) is a German chemist and 2021 Nobel Prize in Chemistry laureate.Born in Frankfurt am Main, List obtained his undergraduate degree in chemistry from Free University o...
Private in AIR, file number 44748. Son of Frederick and Ellen List, of Tuakau, Auckland.== Sources ==# New Zealand and World War One Roll of Honour: / Ref 11.4.2021
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