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  • Alexander David Levin (1901 - 1943)
    Born in the Netherlands. He was an electrical engineer, who spent a few years in the Dutch West Indies (now Indonesia) and then made aliyah (emigrated) to Palestine in 1933. He married Deborah (Devora)...
  • Amy May Levin (1852 - 1925)
    Amy is the oldest of 13 children.
  • Prof. Aryeh Levin (1937 - 2023)
    פרופסור לבלשנות באוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים וחתן פרס ישראל לשנת ה'תש"ע
  • Rabbi Aryeh Levin (1885 - 1969)
    Yahrtziet: 9th of Nissan, 5729Wikipedia: Aryeh Levin and אריה_לוין Rabbi Aryeh Levin, (March 22, 1885 - March 28, 1969), known as Reb Aryeh, was an Orthodox rabbi dubbed the "Father of Prisoners" for h...
  • Aviva Uri (1922 - 1989)
    Aviva Uri (Hebrew: אביבה אורי; March 12, 1922 – September 1, 1989) was an Israeli painter.Aviva Uri studied dance with Gertrude Kraus. In 1941, she married Moshe Levin, with whom she had a daughter, Ra...

About the Levin surname

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