There are already 1,511 users and over 25,479 genealogy profiles with the Levin surname on Geni. Explore Levin genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Born in the Netherlands. He was an electrical engineer, who spent a few years in the Dutch West Indies (now Indonesia) and then made aliyah (emigrated) to Palestine in 1933. He married Deborah (Devora)...
Yahrtziet: 9th of Nissan, 5729Wikipedia: Aryeh Levin and אריה_לוין Rabbi Aryeh Levin, (March 22, 1885 - March 28, 1969), known as Reb Aryeh, was an Orthodox rabbi dubbed the "Father of Prisoners" for h...
Aviva Uri (Hebrew: אביבה אורי; March 12, 1922 – September 1, 1989) was an Israeli painter.Aviva Uri studied dance with Gertrude Kraus. In 1941, she married Moshe Levin, with whom she had a daughter, Ra...
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