There are already 443 users and over 15,195 genealogy profiles with the Lake surname on Geni. Explore Lake genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Abraham Lake married Abigail Heaton on March 19, 1781 in Cumberland Co., NJ. four years after Robert's birth. Abigail Heaton was the second wife of Abraham Lake & they had no children together.
Chronology on Life of James Butler (Wild Bill) HICKOK The Kansas Heritage Server would like to thank John Richard for contributing the following article about James Butler Hickok. It should not be qu...
2. John Lake II was born circa 1535. He married first Agnes Tharrot circa 1560. She was born circa 1540 and died in 1562. He married second Margaret Osgodby circa 1570. He died leaving a will dated Apr...
Henry Lake came to New Zealand from Kent, UK in 1863. He married Anne Buckingham 1862.
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