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  • Agnes Charlotte Jonassen (1901 - 1983)
    Dåp Ministerialprotokoller, klokkerbøker og fødselsregistre - Nordland, AV/SAT-A-1459/813/L0201: Ministerialbok nr. 813A11, 1901-1918, s. 6 Brukslenke for sidevisning: Folketellingen 1910 Folket...
  • Anders Kristoffersen (1825 - 1906)
    Foreldre: Christopher Andersen Carlstad (1793-1867) og Guri Johnsdatter (1798-1870). Farfar og farmor: Anders Carlsen Carlstad (1761-1835) og Ingeborg Simensdatter Skjelset (1770-1847).==FT1865==Stande...
  • Anker B Kristoffersen (b. - 1945)
    "99 th battalion"
  • Anna Gunnarson (1905 - 1986)
    Dåp Ministerialprotokoller, klokkerbøker og fødselsregistre - Nordland, SAT/A-1459/872/L1048: Klokkerbok nr. 872C04, 1898-1919 Brukslenke for sidevisning: Folketellingen 1910 Konfirmasjonen Min...
  • Ane Larsdatter (1833 - 1914)
    Dåp Ministerialprotokoller, klokkerbøker og fødselsregistre - Nordland, AV/SAT-A-1459/841/L0598: Ministerialbok nr. 841A06 /2, 1825-1844, s. 144 Brukslenke for sidevisning: Konfirmasjonen Ministeri...

About the Kristoffersen surname

marie kristoffersen is my great grans mothers maiden name, her married name was maire borresen ,and my great gran father name is christian borresen and was a carpenter and lived in larvik in norway. and the had a son called einar christian borresen and he was born in 1914 in larvik in norway and he was a ship steward .and then was a sergeant in the norwegian army in world war two .And came to scotland and married my gran alice hume shanks and had a son and daughter .