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Koll Genealogy and Koll Family History Information

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  • Adele Koll (1890 - 1975)
    Adele Pärtelpoeg (alates 1909 Adele Koll ; 1. august (vkj)/ 13. august 1890 Kuremaa vald, Palamuse kihelkond, Tartumaa – 8. juuli 1975 Mareeba, Queensland, Austraalia) oli Raja Teele prototüüp. Ee...
  • Holger Olavsson Koll (c.1575 - 1651)
    Død, kilde: Lindanger, bygdebok for Tysvær (ISBN 82-7096-311-9), bind 4, side 462---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Holger** Olavsen (Olson) Koll SKIFTUN/L...
  • Ilmar Kõll (1908 - 1971)
    Sünd vkj 2. oktoobril 1908 KÖLL Personaalraamat XXVII (Vana-Tänassilma, Uusna); 1900-1936 Album Academicum Universitatis Tartuensis 1918-1944 Eesti kommunismiohvrid 1940–1991 Viimne puhkepaik V...
  • Mall Jürma (1901 - 1984)
    Mall Jürma (kuni 1929 Alma Elisabeth Kuusik; 1929–1935 Jürmann; 17. september 1901; Tallinn – 21. oktoober 1984; Ridgefield, Bergeni maakond, New Jersey) oli eesti raamatukogundustegelane, bibliograaf,...
  • Nathan Trent
    Nathanaele Koll (born 4 April 1992), known professionally as Nathan Trent, is an Austrian singer. He represented Austria in the Eurovision Song Contest 2017 with the song "Running on Air" finishing i...

About the Koll surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Koll surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Koll surname.

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