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Knudson Genealogy and Knudson Family History Information

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  • Alfred George Knudson, Jr. (1922 - 2016)
    Alfred was a geneticist specializing in cancer genetics. Among his many contributions to the field was the formulation of the Knudson hypothesis in 1971, which explains the effects of mutation on carci...
  • Cora B Knutson (1881 - 1914)
    Find a Grave
  • Ellen Johnson (1844 - 1926)
    Dåp SAB, Luster Sokneprestembete, H/Haa/Haaa/L0006: Ministerialbok nr. A 6, 1840-1848, s. 33 Brukslenke for sidevisning: SAB, Luster Sokneprestembete, H/Haa/Haaa/L0008: Ministerialbok nr. A 8, 1860-187...
  • Gorm "den Gamle", dansk konge (aft.890 - bef.961)
    the Old - summary in English==Gorm is regarded as the first of the Danish kings' Jelling dynasty.The birthplace of Gorm the Old is unknown.He is mentioned in sagas as the son of Hardeknut (likely a chi...

About the Knudson surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Knudson surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Knudson surname.

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