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  • Aletta Johanna Christina Steyn (1871 - c.1925)
    Aletta Johanna Christina Kirsten bly agter in Angola na 1928 – lees meer in Afrikaners in Angola 1928-1975, Nicol Stassen.-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  • Dorothy Kirsten (1910 - 1992)
    Kirsten (July 6, 1910, Montclair, New Jersey – November 18, 1992, Los Angeles, California) was an American operatic soprano.BiographyKirsten's mother was an organist and music teacher, her grandfather ...
  • Hilletje Jacomina Dirkse van Schalkwyk, b2c1d7e10 (1794 - 1850)
    Hilletje Jacoomina van Schalkwyk - a1b2c1d7e10.Bronne:Persoonlike NavorsingGeregistreerde navorser - GSSAGeslagregister van vroeë Kaapse families - Christoffel Coetzee de Villiers
  • Johan Frederik Kirsten (1814 - 1887)
    Sterfkennis: Johan Frederik * c. 1784 x Kaapstad 3.2.1811 Hilletje Jacomina VAN SCHALKWYK d.v. Gerrit van Schalkwyk en Hilletje Smit d3 Johan Frederik * 17.11.1814 = Swartland 25.12.1815 x Swartland 22...

About the Kirsten surname

Francois Johannes * 7.3.1823 ~25.5.1823 married 5.3.1849 Elizabeth Magdalena Frederika Loedolff * 23.4.1830 ~ 17.10.1830 Parents of (among others) Francina Johana Petronella * 11.2.1861 ~10.3.1861 died 5.4.1916 married William Frederick Carstens * 17.10.1863 died 12.6.1935