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Kingston Genealogy and Kingston Family History Information

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  • Agnes Lott (1632 - d.)
    Father: Richard Kingston Mother: Elizabeth Cooke
  • Alex Kingston
    Alexandra Elizabeth Kingston (born 11 March 1963) is an English actress. Active from the early 1980s, Kingston became noted for her television work in both Britain and the US in the 1990s, including he...
  • Amelia Bignell (1811 - 1884)
    Census : 1851 - 151 High St, St Pancras, Middlesex, England** Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Oct 27 2021, 23:08:13 UTC
  • Ann Kingston (1811 - 1879)
    14.12.1831 on the research, she was the servant to Mrs Davidson, The research had sailed from india=============================source Indian Princess Clutterbuck? The mystery of the Indian Princess of...

About the Kingston surname

Kingston Name Meaning

English: habitational name from any of the numerous places throughout England called Kingston or Kingstone. Almost all of them, regardless of the distinction in spelling, were originally named in Old English as cyningestun ‘the king’s settlement’, i.e. royal manor. However, Kingston upon Soar in Nottinghamshire is named as ‘royal stone’, while Kingstone in Somerset is ‘king’s stone’; both probably being named for some local monument.