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  • (Josef) Isaac ben Jehuda Löb Poppers Katz (b. - 1777)
    Divre HaYamim : [manuscript] [historical treatise of Prague] AuthorPoppers, Joseph Yitzchak Hakohen. TitleDivre HaYamim : [manuscript] [historical treatise of Prague]. PublishedPrague : 1772. Subject...
  • (Moshe) Meir Katz Rapaport - Posek in Lvov (c.1640 - 1718)
    ג"מ מאיר כ"ץ רפאפורט זצ"ל. פו"מ בלבוב.(ע"פ ספר היחוסין של הילל גולדשטוף).
  • /n.n./ wife, Yehuda Leib Lifshitz (deceased)
    This is a daughter of Samuel HaCohen Lasker (ca 1712-ca 1791). Leybel Michel Lipszyc had ONE wife. She was a daughter of Samuel HaCohen Lasker.The Lipszyc tree at this section has more than one descrip...
  • Schamasch Aberle Schiff zum Goldstein (b. - 1715)
    Abraham Aberle SCHIFF: b. ? - d. 2 June 1715, Frankfurt am MainValuable details gleaned courtesy of the following website:DigiBaeck Search Results | Leo Baeck InstituteToldot ([Burial records of the Je...
  • Adele Katz (1891 - 1944)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:* Katz, Adele* geb. Gottschalk * geboren am 11. August 1891 * in Geilenkirchen/Rheinprovinz* wohnhaft in Geilenkirchen * INTERNIERUNG/INHAFTIERUNG* 30. Oktober...

About the Katz Ii surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Katz Ii surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Katz Ii surname.

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