There are already 145 users and 3,832 genealogy profiles with the Kalman surname on Geni. Explore Kalman genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
1922 Hungarian Marriage Record - Dr Denes KALMAN (born 1/10/1889 Budapest, son of Dr Artur KALMAN and Gisella REINER) married Matild SOS (born 5/7/1891 Budapest, daughter of Lajos SOS and Katalin HALUS...
Cesara Buonamici (Fiesole, 2 gennaio 1957) è una giornalista e conduttrice televisiva italiana.
In attività dagli anni settanta, ha esordito curando diverse rubriche giornalistiche per le reti Finin...
1922 Hungarian Marriage Record - Dr Denes KALMAN (born 1/10/1889 Budapest, son of Dr Artur KALMAN and Gisella REINER) married Matild SOS (born 5/7/1891 Budapest, daughter of Lajos SOS and Katalin HALUS...
Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:
Kalman, Friederike Frieda
geb. Boas
geboren am 10. Dezember 1885
in Niederfinow/Angermünde/Brandenburg
wohnhaft in Berlin (Mitte)
1922 Hungarian Marriage Record - Dr Denes KALMAN (born 1/10/1889 Budapest, son of Dr Artur KALMAN and Gisella REINER) married Matild SOS (born 5/7/1891 Budapest, daughter of Lajos SOS and Katalin HALUS...
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