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Jansz van Rensburg Genealogy and Jansz van Rensburg Family History Information

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  • Aletta Willemsd Schalk van der Merwe, SM (bef.1684 - 1729)
    Xtra@child !! Marthe van Staden baptised 1706 or is Marthe =Marthinus? Maria van Staden baptised 1702 !!! Birth Date before 30 April 1684 Death Date 30 Sept 1729 First Name Aletta Last Name v...
  • Claas Jansz van Rensburg, SV/PROG (c.1661 - bef.1728)
    Elmien Wood on FFY re Claas Jansz van Rensburg Stamouers Richard Ball on Claas Janz van Rensburg AM van Rensburg re Claas Jansz van Rensburg NOTE Claas Schim van Rensburg father Jan Bruijn ...
  • Claas Jansz van Rensburg (bef.1720 - c.1786)
    Baptism Claas Janse van Rynsburgh Richard Ball pages Will - Van Staden, Maria - 1758, Cape Archives, CJ 2664, 26 haare volgende Stiefbroeders en Zústers, te weeten ..., Nicolaas Jansen, ... Churc...
  • Jan Hendricksz Jansz van Rensburg (aft.1579 - bef.1639)
    The following information is pure conjecture based on the patronymical naming pattern. I quote from Andre van Rensburg brilliant web pages - "A person was known as: "Given name and then Father's name p...
  • Jan Jansz van Rensburg (bef.1644 - 1661)
    This all speculation not proven with any sources Are any of the managers on profile able to present any validation or proper sources ? Wilma Basson (born Greyling) - currently semi inactive on Gen...

About the Jansz van Rensburg surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Jansz van Rensburg surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Jansz van Rensburg surname.

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