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  • Rabbi Abraham ben Moses Jaffe, of Bohemia (c.1470 - c.1535)
    Abraham of Bohemia Wikipedia Abraham ben Moses Jaffe of Bohemia (Hebrew: אברהם בן משה יפה מבוהמיה; d. 1535) also known by his Latin name Abraham Judaeus Bohemus was a very prominent 16th-century Bo...
  • Abraham Levin Meyer (1738 - 1806)
  • Dr. jur. Alfons Jaffé (1861 - 1949)
    See photos under the "Media" tab1900/01 erste eheliche Wohnung: Victoriastraße 71901/05 zweite eheliche Wohnung: Kronprinzen-Ufer 61905/31 dritte eheliche Wohnung: Kurfürstendamm 234
  • Alice Jaffé (née Portner) (1875 - 1944)
    Alice grew up in a well-to-do Jewish family. Her mother, Regina Portner (née Jaffé), was the daughter of Scheye David Jaffé, a wealthy lumber merchant. Alice's father, Heinrich Portner, was a banker fr...
  • Aniela Jaffé (1903 - 1991)

About the Jaffe surname

Father's last name, originally from Skatis, Kupishis, Lithuania