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  • David Houseman (c.1740 - 1794)
    A Patriot of the American Revolution for VIRGINIA. DAR Ancestor # A057604
  • Elizabeth Kessler (1761 - 1822)
  • Frances Underhill (1682 - 1736)
    Parents: Francis Houseman, Isabel UnknownDeath: Sep 23 1736 - Tewkesbury, Worcestershire, England. Some accounts have her death place as Cecil County, MarylandChildren: Isabella Edmunson (born Underhil...
  • Helen Mary Houseman (1844 - 1862)
    Helen Mary Webb Houseman BIRTH 7 Oct 1844 Virginia, USA DEATH 22 Apr 1862 (aged 17) BURIAL Webb Cemetery Hillsville, Carroll County, Virginia, USA MEMORIAL ID 55666308 · View SourceMEMORIAL PHOTOS 2 F...
  • Sgt. Jeremiah Houseman (1839 - 1927)
    Jeremiah “Jerry” Houseman BIRTH 18 Mar 1839 Botetourt County, Virginia, USA DEATH 2 Jun 1927 (aged 88) Spink County, South Dakota, USA BURIAL Mellette Cemetery Mellette, Spink County, South Dakota, US...

About the Houseman surname

Some Houseman families may share their ancestry with members of Manhous-Aht tribe in
the Holy Land of America,of the Nootka or Aht people ,who may be of part Finnish and of part
of Nahuatlaca-Azteca origin ,and likely successors of Troian re-immigrants from Scandinavia or
from the Maghreb .

Ahti or Ahto is the Finnish name of the "deity" of the Sea ,as is Neptun and Poseidón at Latins and
Greeks ,one of their twelve "gods" ,that is in fact one of the twelve forefathers of the people chosen
by God ,the American Indians .
The original pronounciation of the name might have been Ast ,and it is this after which Nawatl peoples
are called in generic terms Azteca .
They are basically descended from A-Na-Pat-Tel-A-Wa ,who might have lived in the town of Napata in
the Nile valley at the beginning of the 430 years long stay of the people in Aigypt ,between about 2136
and 1706 BC ,who is thus identical with Neptun or Ahti .
He had four sons enumerated in the Byble,written in Babylón in the local language using fragments of
older scripts ,quite obviously ,who may be the ancestors of four peoples emigrating from Troia after the
war for it in the XVIIth century BC .
This Troia ,in a place their successors commemorated of as Türk-Heim ,might well have been the great
city the ruins of which are still called in the Azteca-Nawatl language ,that uses no 'R' sounds ,
Te(r)o-Tiu(r)Ak-Han .

These four peoples were the Wand ,Norman or Gépaida ,the Ostrogoth and Wisigoth ,who moved to Scythia ,
or Turklestan ,and then from there in later centuries to Scandinavaia and to other regions of Europe ,
Africa and Asia .
The four sons of Asti they may partialy be descended from are A-Wak-Hes-Ta-Wa-'Al-Le , A-Ga-ya-Nawa ,
Awas-Tara and Shala-ya-Ma .
The language spoken by Levites of these tribes was Armenian .

A-Gaya-Nawa ,and the Armenians thus might have formed the Norman ,or Nawa-Armean ,alias called Gépaida ,
or Gaya-Wapa-Awida ,for some reason ,and he is the ancestor of Nogay peoples both in Eurasia and in America ,
among the Shoshone ,who therefore may be the successors of the Normans .
His brother ,A-Was-Tara ,the Austro-Goth ,whose people later setlled in Austria and Austrasia ,may be the
progenitor of Tara-Huma-Ra tribes,as Osets and Rhomans of R'Huma are equally called Digo(r) ,in some circles .
Kings of Tara in Ireland may be descended from him as well, this place might have been originally near the town
of Tara at river Ir-Tysh in Siberia ,where there are still Ostyak and Tatar peoples in the vicinity .

Shala-ya-Ma might have founded Salami(s) in Kypros,that might have been Japan before the exile of the people ,
where Telamon and Teykros ruled ,who may be the ancestors of I-Telmön and Telami tribes in Kamchatka and
California ,and of the Lemtuna and Tukri in Africa ,among others .
The fourth of the siblings might be identical with Lluque Tesaq ,an ancient king of Peru ,according to the kings' list
conserved ,the founder of Thessalia and ancestor of Leyko-Syr people ,or Kappadok,who may be the Nicaraguans
and the Padouka or Komanche .
Komi is the alternative name of Syrians at Ural mountains ,who thus may partially be of Nawatl origin too .

Members of these tribes thus might have in Scandinavia too intermarried with Finns ,descended from
Sha-ya-Nawa ,one of the seven sons of Ganda ,king od Kar-Dunia of the Kasshu ,brother of A-Na-Pat-Tel-A-Wa ,
and some of their successors might have returned to America ,where their ancestors had lived ,
before the loss of Troia ,in the Holy Land .
Kardunia of the Kasshu is what was later called Karkhédón ( Kar-K'ssha-ya-Wa-Doon ) ,or Carthago .
This might have happened in the days of a Scandinavian king called Kanute ,after whom the Nutka may be named .

Some of the Houseman families hence may ,together with the Man-Hous'-Aht tribe of the Nootka ,may be of
Scandinavian and Asteca origin ,at least in some part,with ancestry from the tribes of Ganda and Anapattelawa ,
the Karkhédónian and Atlantid ancestors .

See Ahaus ,Hesky,Mohácsi,Tlemceni,Minho,Barka,Barcelona,Sanoussi,Sanoussi,Snoussi,Kaffa,Livon,Lieb,
Schwerin,Bornholm,Burgu,Hausa,Hauser,Hausmann,Jager,Ket,Ireland,Houston and others !

Balázs Déri