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  • (Edith) Minna Horwitz (1897 - aft.1941)
    Identified as wife of Arthur Horwitz and mother of Karl Heinz Julius Joseph Louis Moritz in Erich Woehlkens, Lisa Kuhlmann and Beate L Weiland, Beiträge zur Geschichte der Juden in Uelzen und in Nordos...
  • Alexander Uri Horwitz (1877 - 1943)
    Alex Horwitz * born on 03 May 1877 in Bünde / Herford / Westfalen* resident of Berlin (Charlottenburg)* Emigration 1933 to Niederlande* Imprisonment 26/27 January 1943 - 29 January 1943, Vught-Hertogen...
  • Anthony Lander Horwitz (1958 - 2019)
    Anthony Lander Horwitz (June 9, 1958 – May 27, 2019) was an American journalist and author who won the 1995 Pulitzer Prize for National ReportingHis books include One for the Road: a Hitchhiker's Outba...
  • Betty Blümchen Schuftan (1860 - aft.1943)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:Schuftan, Bettygeborene Horwitz geboren am 08. September 1860 in Koschmin (poln. Kozmin) / - / Posen wohnhaft in Berlin (Charlottenburg)Deportation: ab Berlin ...
  • Betty Caecilie Steinfeld (1879 - 1942)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:Steinfeld, Betty geborene Horwitz geboren am 12. Februar 1879 in Ober Glogau / Neustadt O. S. / Schlesien wohnhaft in Berlin (Schöneberg)Deportation: ab Berlin...

About the Horwitz surname

The name originates from the town of Horovice in Bohemia, now the Chech republic. The German spelling of the town is Horowitz. The name can be spelled in many ways including beginning with a G as in Gurevich for those from eastern european gountries where ther is no H in the alphabet.