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Hornsby Genealogy and Hornsby Family History Information

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  • Agnes Kerr/Hornsby (1897 - 1965)
    I am not sure if Agnes was officially adopted by the Williamson family, but she and her sister Maggie were brought up in this family after their mother died. They both have used Williamson as a middle ...
  • David Hornsby
    David Hornsby is an American television and film actor and writer best know for his role as the defrocked priest Matthew Mara, AKA "Rickety Cricket," on the FX comedy, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia...
  • Emily Deschanel
    Emily Erin Deschanel is an American actress and television producer, best known for playing Dr. Temperance "Bones" Brennan in the crime drama Bones. Deschanel made her feature film debut in 1994's It C...
  • Eva Hornsby (1895 - 1895)
    In May 1895, a railway guard reported he had seen a woman board the train with a baby but disembark without it. This happened within the train range of East Winton and police began their enquiries. Thi...
  • Eva Beatrice Gruman (1915 - 2016)
    Earlier marriage, 1933, to Henry Hugh Morgan: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

About the Hornsby surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Hornsby surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Hornsby surname.

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