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Himmler Genealogy and Himmler Family History Information

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  • Ernst Hermann Himmler (1905 - 1945)
    Ernst Hermann Himmler (23 December 1905 in Munich – 2 May 1945) was a German Nazi functionary, engineer and younger brother of Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler. He joined the Nazi Party on 1 Novembe...
  • Gebhard Ludwig Himmler (1898 - 1989)
    Ludwig Himmler (29 July 1898 – 1982) was a German Nazi functionary, mechanical engineer and older brother of Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler.
  • Gudrun Margarete Elfriede Emma Anna Burwitz (1929 - 2018)
    Gudrun Burwitz, the true-believing daughter of Heinrich Himmler, the architect of the Holocaust and Nazi Germany’s highest-ranking official after Adolf Hitler, died May 24 in or near Munich. She was 88...
  • Heinrich Himmler (1900 - 1945)
    Heinrich Lultpold Himmler Heinrich Luitpold Himmler (7 October 1900 – 23 May 1945) was Reichsführer of the Schutzstaffel (SS), a military commander, and a leading member of the Nazi Party (NSDAP) of Na...
  • Jozefa Schönfeld (c.1843 - 1903)
    1903 Hungarian Marriage Record - Jonas PERLROTH (born 31/3/1873, son of Simon PERLROTH and Czilli SINGER) married Berta SCHONFELD (born 27/8/1879, daughter of David SCHONFELD and Jozefa HIMMLER) on 26/...

About the Himmler surname

The surname Himmler is of German origin and is derived from the Middle High German word "himmel," meaning "heaven" or "sky".

Notable individuals with this surname include Heinrich Himmler, a leading figure in Nazi Germany.