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Hazen Genealogy and Hazen Family History Information

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  • Abigail Hazen (1693 - 1770)
    Abigail Hazen (Lathrop)
  • Abraham Hazen (1761 - 1838)
    A Patriot of the American Revolution for NEW JERSEY with the rank of PRIVATE. DAR Ancestor #: A053533 Reference: Ancestry Genealogy - SmartCopy : Sep 17 2021, 20:39:44 UTC headstone visible
  • Alice Parley (1686 - 1740)
  • Alice Chapman (1722 - 1799)
    Alice's husband Simon Chapman and her son Erastus both served under Capt. Hazen in the Revolutionary War.from ID: I3075 Name: Alice Hazen Sex: F Birth: 30 APR 1722 in Norwich, New London Co., CT Death:...
  • Andrew Hazen (1767 - 1836)
    Served in the American Revolutionary War. DAR Ancestor #: A053536 Service: CONNECTICUT Rank: PRIVATE Birth: 5-22-1764 NORWICH CONNECTICUT Death: 1836 MUNSON -PROB OHIO Service Description: 1) CAPT BETTS

About the Hazen surname

There is a township in Northumberland, England, near Alnwick, and Warworth Castle, now called Hazon, containing 85 inhabitants today. In early records it was written Heisende, and philologists believe it was derived from Hegges ende (softened into Heies ende), meaning end of the hedge. To this day there are miles of hedge by the roadside in the township. From this town, the surname was derived.

All the Hazen's in America and Canada are descended from Edward Hazen who came from Cadney, Lincolnshire, England to Rowley, Massachusetts in 1638. Other settlers in Rowley were from Lincolnshire and in the political life of the town Edward Hazen was a man of influence and importance, one of four “overseers” of the settlement of Rowley. The town became known for its hemp and flax cloth, as well as cotton.