There are already 1,815 users and over 46,910 genealogy profiles with the Hayes surname on Geni. Explore Hayes genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Abigail Dibble was born on 19 January 1666/67 in Stamford, Conn..1,2,3 She was the daughter of Samuel Dibble and Abigail Graves. She married, at age 16, George Hayes on 29 August 1683 in Windsor, Hartf...
A GRAVE: Birth: Mar. 26, 1739 Connecticut, USA Death: Mar. 30, 1816 New Haven County Connecticut, USAMarried twice, 1st to John Brown, 2nd to Captain Ezekial Hayes. Children of 1st marriage Abigail a...
My father was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, on July 22, 1898. I was born, the youngest of 4 boys, on January 27, 1935. I have one surviving brother, James Gerald, born December 1, 1926.
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