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  • Ada Haug Grythe (1934 - 2014)
    Programleder og sjef for Barne og ungdomsavdelingen i NRKFra Wikipedia: Ada Brita Haug Grythe (født 26. august 1934 i Stange, Hedmark[1], død 14. august 2014[2]%29 var en norsk fjernsynsmedarbeider med...
  • Anna Haug - Ketterman (1617 - 1638)
    Germany, Marriages, 1558-1929==groom's name: Hanns Kattermannbride's name: Anna ... marriage date: 1622 marriage place: Evangelisch, Oberacker, Karlsruhe, Baden groom's father's name: Peter Katter...
  • Anne-Reet Margiste
    Anne Margiste (sündinud 3. augustil 1942 Väänas) on eesti näitleja. Vikipeedia Kino Eesti Filmi Andmebaas
  • Arved Haug (1922 - 1995)
    Arved Haug - VÄGA ERE TÄHT EESTI MUUSIKAMAAILMAS. "Arvi säras, sest ta armastas inimesi......" nii kirjutavas temast tema lähedased.Sügis oli helilooja ja pillimehe Arved Haugi lemmikaastaaeg. Talle me...
  • Bente Pareli Kristofa Haug (1889 - 1933)
    Dåp SAT, Ministerialprotokoller, klokkerbøker og fødselsregistre - Nordland, SAT/A-1459/843/L0628Ministerialbok nr. 843A03, 1889-1907, s. 6 Brukslenke for sidevisning: Folketellingen 1891 Folket...

About the Haug surname

German: from the ancient Germanic personal name Hugo (see Hugh ). Compare Hauck . Norwegian: habitational name from any of numerous farmsteads named Haug from the indefinite singular form of Old Norse haugr 'hill mound'. Haug is a surname which appears most commonly in Germany and Norway. The Norwegian name Haug derives the old Norse word haugr which can be translated to mean hill, knoll, or mound.[citation needed] The German surname Haug has a different etymology, probably short form of names beginning with Hug- "intelligence, understanding, spirit" (cf. Hugo, Hugbert, etc.). Other derivatives include Haugan, Hauge, Haugedal, Haugen and Haugland, all of which are common Norwegian surnames. The surname Haug is shared by several notable people: