There are already 366 users and over 17,398 genealogy profiles with the Hartmann surname on Geni. Explore Hartmann genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:Hartmann, Albert geboren am 11. Dezember 1925 in Berlin / - / Stadt Berlin wohnhaft in Berlin (Kreuzberg)Deportation: ab Berlin 17. November 1941, Kowno (Kauen...
Religion : Protestant* Immigration : "... e chegarão ao Porto desta Capital (Rio de Janeiro) em 19 de Janeiro do corrente anno de 1826 onde tomou conta delles o Inspetor de Colonisação Estrangeira nest...
Some Hartmann families may descend from one of the pharaons of Aigypt called ya-Man-ama-Haret ,
whom aigyptologists think to know as Amenemhat.
Balázs Déri
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