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Hammer Genealogy and Hammer Family History Information

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  • Aaron Hammer (1831 - 1914)
    Aaron Hammer 1831–1914 Spouse: Margaret Guthrie Hammer 1841-1877 He and Margaret are buried in Center Friends Cemetery, Jasper County, Iowa.Children of Aaron Hammer and Margaret Guthrie: * Frank Ells...
  • Rev Abraham Obediah Hammer, I (1731 - 1799)
    I see the term "MM" turns up often in the following, so here is a definition: MM is short for Monthly Meeting. Monthly Meetings are, traditionally, the basic unit of administration in the Religious Soc...
  • Alice Hammer (1884 - 1942)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:Hammer, Alice geborene Braunspahn geboren am 20. August 1884 in Berlin / - / Stadt Berlin wohnhaft in Berlin (Wilmersdorf)Deportation: ab Berlin 18. Oktober 19...
  • Ann Elizabeth Hammer (c.1839 - d.)
    Nickname LillieFirst husband Mr. Channel. Children: George Channel, b. abt 1861 Pearly Channel, b. abt 1863 William Channel, b. abt 1864 Samuel Channel, b. abt 1867Second husband Seth Hammer. Children:...
  • Armand Julievich Hammer (1898 - 1990)
    Wikipedia: English , Русский Armand Hammer , May 21, 1898 – December 10, 1990.American business magnate, most closely associated with Occidental Petroleum, known as well for his art collection, his phi...

About the Hammer surname

Used to be Von Hammer