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Hamburger Genealogy and Hamburger Family History Information

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  • Rebecca Hamburger (Straus) (c.1820 - 1876)
    Also funeral from Temple Ahawath Chesed, Lexington Ave., & 55th St., Manhattan where her son Samuel B. was then President of the Temple in 1876. She died at home which was 247 East 60th St., NYC. Belon...
  • Aaron Hamburger (1864 - 1897)
  • Abraham Hamburger (1850 - 1920)
    Ab Januar 1890 mit Samuel Luck in Aschaffenburg in der beiden gehörenden Immobilie Schlossgasse 28 Gewerbeanmeldung als Verpächter einer Bierbrauerei mit Bierausschank (Pächter Goos Georg). Er war zu...
  • Abraham Nathan Hamburger (1921 - 1943)
    Information from MH Smart Match David Szmuk-Framowitz cf.:
  • Abraham Hamburger (1923 - 1943)
    cf.: &:

About the Hamburger surname

Er-Reg-Han-Bawa-ha was the son of Am-Mes-Sha-ha,after whom the tribe of Léngua was until this day named shámmes - namely that for his brother A'eherrenna - and founder of sháman religion.

The city of Hamburg is mentioned as early as in antiquity as Byrkhanis in Germania,read : Bu-er-reg-hani.

THey are all levitic descendants of Er-Ge-Mar-An-Ma.

Present Hamburg together with Sangtpauli though might have been founded by Hannibal alias Liu-Pang,who organized Han state and dynasty,called by Peruvians Liu-keyu-Pangi. He was in any case listed in the ancestry of Chingis Khan ( died in 141 that is according to some europeans counting years from 1065 b.c.equal to their 1206 ) under the name Burdzhi-Kitay Marakan,releasing burdzhi-kin tribe,and his name may be reflected also in that of Han-Burg.

Ryukyu ( Liu-Keyu ) also was named of Liukeyu-Pangi .

Jews and christian think they were Rekhabyah,Moshe,Ahron and Amram.

See Balkar,Tamudo,Csaba,Karacay,Alexander,Horpatzky,Itzkovits,Tevan,Deutsch,Hannofer,Kassander,Blinker,Arsch,Wanderstein,Kostbar,Czafik,Kaminker,Slaninka,Buzinkay,Iklódy and others !

Balázs Déri thinks this.