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  • James Hereford's wife's first name in unknown (1672 - 1721)
    Links Descendants of James Hereford Ann Hereford (Green)
  • 2nd wife of Joseph Green (deceased)
    Joseph Greene, born February 19, 1728; married 1st, Phebe Langford, 2nd, widow ____ Moon.[2][6
  • A Mee Mah 'Julia' Brein (1863 - 1909)
    Julia was an Iowah woman (member of the Iowa Tribe of Kansas Nebraska) From Wikitree: Julia "Mahamee" Roubidoux formerly Tesson aka Brien, Green, Kathanimane Born 2 Jul 1863 [location unknown] ANCESTO...
  • Aaron Green (1765 - 1853)
    Aaron Green (1765-?), of Malden, son of Ezra Green and Mary Vinton=Aaron (son of Mary Vinton), third son of Ezra, was born Jan. 4, 1765. He graduated at Harvard College in 1789, and settled in the mini...
  • Abigail Thayer (1765 - 1830)

About the Green surname



One of the most common and widespread of English surnames, either a nickname for someone who was fond of dressing in this colour (Old English grene) or who had played the part of the ‘Green Man’ in the May Day celebrations, or a topographic name for someone who lived near a village green, Middle English grene (a transferred use of the colour term).

In North America this name has no doubt assimilated cognates from other European languages, notably German Grün (see Gruen).

Jewish (American)

Americanized form of German Grün or Yiddish Grin, Ashkenazic ornamental names meaning ‘green’ or a short form of any of the numerous compounds with this element.


Translation of various Gaelic surnames derived from glas ‘gray’, ‘green’, ‘blue’. See also Fahey.

North German

Short form of a habitational name from a place name with Gren- as the first element (for example Greune, Greubole).

other versions of this surname